Steak House MIYUKI


With the motto of "Satisfaction after eating meat," you can enjoy rare cuts of carefully selected Matsusaka beef and thick-sliced steaks made from specially fermented and aged meat.
Enjoy the tender and juicy steaks cooked by our experienced chefs.

If you show us HoteGuru coupon or smartphone screen, a free drink (alcoholic)

  • Matsusaka beef steak/Eye of Knuckle(100g)4,235yen
  • Matsusaka beef steak/Bottom flap(100g)4,642yen
  • Matsusaka beef steak/Chateaubriand(100g)12,320yen
  • Authentic aged steak/Tenderloin(150g)6,490yen
  • Authentic aged steak/Sirloin(150g)5,940yen
  • Authentic aged steak/Wedge-bone sirloin(150g)4,000yen
  • Authentic aged steak/Hanging tender(150g)3,685yen
  • Domestic beef steak/Bottom flap(200g)3,960yen
  • Local vegetable and prosciutto salad1,188yen
  • 1 pound aged thick cut steak (450g)4,950yen
  • *The prices are subject to change.
Steak House MIYUKI

Address : Plaza Building 2F No. C, 840-1 Atago-cho, Matsusaka-shi, Mie-ken
Telephone : 0598-31-2904
Business hours : 11:30~13:30(L.O.)
Regular holiday : Closed on Mondays and Third Tuesday

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